Concrete is an appreciated material for flooring due to its durability, versatility, and longevity. With its benefits comes some drawbacks. Concrete’s porous surface allows for easy staining by dirt, oils, and other chemicals. Artistic Concrete Designs has years of experience with concrete installation, repair, and cleaning of concrete flooring and walls. This article will go over some methods for cleaning concrete, especially removing oil and grease. If you have any specific questions or concerns, or if you would like to arrange for a professional cleaning of your concrete, then feel free to call Artistic Concrete Designs. Our staff are on standby to take your call.
Simple Detergent and Water
Oil and grease spills come in a range of sizes and intensity. If you are working on your car and have a small spill, then quickly acting with some detergent and a brush should handle the job. Grab a bucket of water, add detergent, and mix well. Bring out a scrub brush and work on the spot. This should be enough to take care of the small spill.
Concrete Cleaner and Degreaser
For larger spills that have been around a little longer, a more aggressive solution is to use commercial grade concrete cleaners and degreasers. These solutions work to loosen up the oil and allow easier removal with a spray of water. This method works well on porous concrete as opposed to that with a dense finish. However, concrete that is heavily contaminated and contaminated for a long time will require another treatment.
Using Poultice to Clean Oil Stains
Poultice is made by mixing an absorptive material such as saw dust, flour, baking soda, or kitty litter with a strong solvent such as acetone or xylene. Spread the mixture over the target area at a thickness of a quarter inch and cover it with plastic. Remove the cover after 24 hours and remove the poultice. This method is ideal for stains that have sat for a long time. The treatment breaks down the oil and sucks it out of the concrete.
There are good bacteria and bad bacteria. Microbial cleaners such as Terminator-HSD are single-celled microorganisms that feed on oil and grease. In fact, these are sometimes used to clean beaches and water sources to deal with oil spills. These microorganisms turn the oil into carbon dioxide and other microorganisms. The microbes die once the food source, oil, is gone, leaving your concrete oil-free and clean.
The methods mentioned here are fairly easy to complete as do-it-yourself projects but gathering the supplies and applying the treatments take care and time. If you would rather have a professional handle the work, then please call Artistic Concrete Designs at (770) 580-2700 or contact us online for any type of concrete replacement, repair, installation and resurfacing services. We have trained experts equipped with the necessary tools to make this a quick and seamless process. Artistic Concrete Designs has a variety of coupons and discounts available as well. Call today to speak with a friendly staff member if you have any questions. We are always happy to help.